FlowRun Features

Here is a quick overview of features supported by FlowRun editor.


Declare variable Declare a variable of a specific type
Assign variable Assign a new value to a variable
Input a variable Get input value from user and store it into a variable
Output a variable Print a value
If Conditionally execute code depending on a boolean value
While Conditionally execute code (zero or more times) depending on a boolean value
Do While Conditionally execute code (one or more times) depending on a boolean value
For Execute a block of code a number of times, with a counter
Comment Add a comment block, does nothing
Call a function Call (execute) a function


Scalar data typesInteger, Real, String, BooleanSimple data types, most commonly used
Array data typesInteger[], Real[], String[], Boolean[]Data types used for storing many values of same type, sequences
Automatic array initialization Arrays are automatically initialized to their default values: integer/real arrays to zeros, boolean arrays to falses, string arrays to empty strings
Arithmetic operators+, -, *, /, %Operators for working with numbers
String operators+Operators for strings, + is used for concatenation
Logic operators&&, ||, !Operators for working with booleans
Number comparison operators<, <=, ==, !=, >, >=Operators for comparing numbers
Comparison operators==, !=Operators for comparing values that are not numbers: strings, booleans..
Predefined functionssee full referenceUse predefined functions
Custom functions Declare custom functions
Recursive functions Declare functions that are mutually recursive (function calls itself directly, or indirectly)


Run a programRun a program from start to end
Debug a programRun a program step by step, stopping after each command
Show debug variablesShow values of all variables while program is running
Stop a programStop a program at any time

Import / Export

Export (Download) as fileSave a program as file (with .flowrun file extension)
Import from fileImport program from a .flowrun file
Copy sourceCopy the whole program as a string (JSON format)
Paste sourcePaste a program from the clipboard
Copy a commandCopy a single command to the clipboard
Paste a commandPaste a single command from the clipboard
Generate codeGenerate code for many real programming languages
Copy DOTCopy the current function in DOT format, the graph language