
Predefined functions are great.
But what is even better is that you can define your own function!

Before we go deeper, we need to realize that we already have one function, main. The main function is very important, since it is the first function that gets executed when you click Play.

Now let's define a simple function: greet(name).
It will say hello to someone.


  • add a new function by clicking + on the left pane
  • click on fun1 node and rename it to greet
  • click + to add a new parameter and type name, select String as parameter type
  • add a new Output and type "Hello " + name
  • click main to go back to main function
  • add a new Call command and type greet("Tom")

Run the program, it should display Hello Tom in the output.

Functions are a powerful tool for abstracting out common code.