2 / 16


We have 2 types of numbers:

  • integers that represent the whole numbers: 5, -23, 0, 19
  • real numbers that represent the numbers "with comma": 3.14, 0.004, -3.33

We can do the basic operations on them: +, -, *, / and % (remainder).

Why do we need 2 types of numbers?
The mathematical operations on them can give different results.
We need both, depending on the problem we are solving.

The main difference is when we use division:

  • dividing integers gives an integer: 5 / 2 = 2
  • dividing reals gives a real: 5.0 / 2.0 = 2.5

Play with the Output block, use it as a simple calculator.
Try different combinations and see how they behave.
Do these calculations:

  • 5 / 2
  • 5.0 / 2.0
  • 8 * 3.14